The field of product configuration has many tricky words and abbreviations that are hard to guess the meaning of, especially when the whole chain from client to manufacturing is digital and automated. Therefore we have created a short dictionary with some of the words we encounter daily.
API – Application Programming Interface
Interface available between software and cloud services for data exchange and interaction
ATO – Assembled To Order
BIM – Building Information Modeling
Process to capture digital representations (3D, info, meta) of buildings and their components (3D, meta, etc). Commonly uses the open file format .ifc for data exchange.
CAD – Computer Aided Design
Software that helps with the design of a product in 2D and 3D.
CPQ – Configure Price Quote
CMS – Content Management System
The system providing a website or intraweb
CRM – Customer Relationship Management
CTO – Configure To Order
Customer self service app
An application that enables the customer to do work that otherwise a sales person would have done for the customer
ERP – Enterprise Resource Planning
Software that helps to manage the main business processes in a company.
ETO – Engineered To Order
Design Automation
Automated software for automating processes around CAD. Most commonly used when designing a product but can also be used for with product configuration.
4IR – Fourth Industrial Revolution
Knowledge-based configuration
Synonym for Product Configuration
Mass Customization
On-demand manufacturing of configured and customized products with a high level of automation that enables pricing comparable to traditional mass-manufactured products.
MTO – Made To Order
PIM – Product Information Management
RFQ – Request For Quote
Enable clients to send in a request for a quote. Commonly done with a web form or e-mail.
SaaS – Software as a Service
Software services commonly run in the cloud that is billed regularly
STEP – Standard for the Exchange of Product model
File format .stp or .step for 3D CAD information according to ISO 10303
Visual Configuration
Product Configuration with visual feedback of the final product with every choice made during the configuration. Can also refer to configuration by interacting with a 2D / 3D visualization directly.
VPS – Virtual Private Server
Common hosting alternative for web services
UI – User Interface
UX – User eXperience