Common User Stories for B2B CPQ

When developing new products and solutions for others its always good to have some kind of description on what the intended users might want to do with the solution. A good way to handle this is to create a list of numbered User Stories that can be referenced and used for discussion throughout the project.

We have collected a few common user stories here that apply for online configurable products where the users should be able to customize and request quotation themselves without prior knowledge of the product.

We use the following template of how a Users Story should be formatted

As a _________ I want to _____________ so that I can ______________

User Stories

  1. As a potential customer I want to easily configure and customize a product online so that I can decide if I it fits my need.
  2. As a potential customer I want to try a new product configurator without login so that I don`t have to create a new account for every new brand that I want to explore
  3. As a potential customer I want to quickly receive a quotation on a configured product so that I can compare alternatives and decide on how to proceed quickly.
  4. As a potential customer I want to see a visualization of my configured product so that I better understand what I am buying
  5. As a potential customer I want to receive technical drawings in 2D for my configured product so that I can better understand what I am buying
  6. As a potential customer I want to receive 3D-files for my configured product so that I can add it to my own software tools for visualization and evaluation of fit
  7. As a potential customer I want to easily do multiple variants of a configurations so that I can compare the quotations for the most cost effective alternative
  8. As a potential customer I want to easily add multiple configurations to a single quotation so that I can order them together
  9. As a returning customer I want to open configurations from old quotations so that I can use them as starting point for new quotations
  10. As a returning customer I want to have a clear revision handling of my quotations so that I don`t mix them up and order the wrong version