The field of product configuration has many tricky words and abbreviations that are hard to guess the meaning of, especially when the whole chain from client to manufacturing is digital and automated. Therefore we have created a short dictionary with some of the words we encounter daily.
Strategies for Automated Quotations in B2B CPQ
How should you design your digital B2B sales process for customized products in a way that is easy to use and understand for customers, and saves you time? In this post we present the most common approaches and their pros and cons so that you easily can choose how to proceed.
Migrate from Excel to a web application
Many companies have a couple of Excel sheets in their organization that (when they work) really help out internal business processes. While Excel is a very powerful tool it has some weaknesses and one of them is how hard sharing is.
Building & Interior – B2B sales process
As a B2B company supplying products such as windows, doors, interior or similar to larger building projects, the journey to a closed deal is long and complex, but it usually follows the same pattern. In this article, we have created a template that can help you create your own process and decide on how your digital sales tools should support it.